Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The radishes are coming

I stopped by my garden after work last night and noticed blooms on my spinach and cilantro. I must say that these veggies have a graceful way of closing the curtain on their life as a veggie. My poor eggplants are being eating alive by beetles, and I am thinking of replacing them this weekend.

I picked a few radishes as well, and they are almost at full size. I neglected the advice of the "sow a small bit at a time" school of thought and am thus expecting a large supply of radishes in the very near future. With a little help from Google, I learned of some more unique way to showcase the radishes. The most delicious sounding options are listed below. I sauteed some radishes in butter last night as directed by the good folks at the Splendid Table, and it is indeed as good as the rave reviews say.

Radish Cabbage Coleslaw via Epicurious

Sauteed Radishes via Splendid Table

Radish Spread via Beyond Salmon

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