Thursday, June 28, 2007

Blessed Beets arrive

Their scarlet color may stain your countertops. Their bulbous shape is not the easiest to peel. These challenges are easily forgotten once the cooking begins. It is the season of beets, and I am in bliss.

I planted a short row of beets in April, and I now have about 10 small to medium sized beets ready to be roasted beets. The beets are smaller than those that show up in the store, so one needs a few more beets to fill out beet recipes. I sauteed three last night with carrots and homegrown onions for a delicious beet soup. There are so many recipes to choose; I only wished I had grown more beets earlier in the spring. I planted many more in May and early June, but I am not sure if it will be too hot for them to grow. Rather than worry, I will simply hope for more blessed beets.

Other love letters to beets
NPR's Kitchen Window "The Beet goes on"
Eat Local Challenge "And the beet goes on" Greek food "And the beet goes on"
Penn State University (recipes and gardening tips "And the beet goes on"

...and thousands more with the same title. Let this be a lesson that your creative play on word may not be as unique as you thought...

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